Local business matching monetary donations to Tea food pantry

It’s the time of year when soup is needed at the Tea Food Pantry in Trinity Lutheran Church, said Ruth Anderson.
“We’re really, really low and we’re buying it as we need it. Now it’s getting cold and we know we’re going to need a lot of soup for the winter,” she said.
Anderson said they are also low on canned fruits. Now, with the help from a local business, the food pantry is not only welcoming food donations, but monetary donations as well.
Roger Haugo with Valley Exchange Bank and Exchange Insurance Agency is pledging a match up to $500 for all monetary donations made to the food pantry from now through Dec. 18. Checks can be dropped off at Trinity Lutheran Church with a notation that the donation is for the food pantry.
With monetary donations, Anderson uses it to stock the shelves with items they need.
For those interested in dropping of a cash donation or food pantry items, the church office is open from 9 a.m. to noon Monday - Friday with Anderson at the food pantry from 2-5 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
“We have a basket if they want to drop stuff off. We have a grocery cart at the church in the carpeted area or they can leave it in the office,” she said.
Throughout the pandemic, Anderson said they have seen an increase in people utilizing the pantry. They take precautions by encouraging people to wear masks and social distance.
“We’re here to help, but we’ve got to keep everybody safe,” she said.