Local woman’s breast cancer journey:

In a heartfelt Facebook post around Valentine’s Day, Lennox resident, Sarah (Elhoff) Quail, celebrated a significant milestone: one year since her breast cancer diagnosis. Little did she know, her post would prompt another local woman to take action that might have saved her life.
Inspired by Sarah’s courage, another local Lennox native, Jennifer Buechler, decided to conduct her monthly self-breast check. What she found–a marble sized lump– prompted her to seek medical advice.
“If it wasn’t for Sarah and my Mom to encourage me to get checked, I’d probably still be debating on going in to get a mammogram,” she shared.
Her proactive approach led to a life-changing discovery. Multiple areas of breast cancer were detected during her mammogram. “I was a bit in shock,” Jennifer confessed. Despite not being considered high-risk due to her family history, she was facing a challenging journey ahead.
Fortunately, she found herself in capable hands at Avera Prairie Center. Avera has a Multidisciplinary team who review each patient’s diagnosis and treatment plan to ensure they are receiving the best possible care and treatment.
“It’s like getting your own second, third, fourth opinion,” Jennifer remarked, emphasizing the reassurance provided by the team.
Jennifer’s treatment journey began in March immediately with chemotherapy, and is slated to continue throughout the summer, followed by surgery and radiation. Throughout this journey, Jennifer has found gratitude from her supportive community, including her church family and colleagues at the Tea Area High School where she works as a Special Education Paraprofessional.
Jennifer’s story underscores the importance of early detection. In South Dakota, breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women, approximately 654 new cases reported each year. To combat this, programs like All Women Count! Offer assistance to eligible women, ensuring access to life-saving screenings.
As Jennifer navigates her journey, she is grateful for the many blessings she’s found amidst the challenges. “No matter what, God’s got this,” she reflects, embodying resilience and hope in the face of adversity.
There will be a Benefit to support Jennifer in her Cancer Journey on July 13, 2024 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Squealers Smoke Shack in Tea, SD. Come to Squealer’s for a Sand Volleyball Tournament, Bingo, a Silent Auction, and raffle! For more information contact Kelsey at (605) 360-6539.
For more information on breast cancer screenings and support programs, visit AWC! - GetScreened South Dakota at getscreenedsd.org