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Local youth starts online tackle business

Fishing is one of America’s greatest past times. It is something that most of us can remember doing as a child and many of us still enjoy doing well into adulthood. For one local teen his love of fishing has turned into a business.

Isaiah Rollman of Tea, South Dakota enjoys fishing, and when he couldn’t find the fishing lure he wanted, he decided to start his own online tackle shop. Isaiah’s business is Tough Tackle Shop. You can find them at

While the business started because Isaiah had a good eye for lures and wanted to make some money doing something he loves, Isaiah has truly learned all aspects of running a business.

At just 14 years old he has researched what drop shipping and having inventory would mean, as well as pricing for lures. He figured out how much it would cost to purchase lures, have them available, and then ship them to customers, with enough in the price to make a bit of profit. He also figured out some of the best lures that he was going to sell by trying them out. He found a wholesale vendor and began purchasing stock to have available.

Tough Tackle wants to be able to provide fisherman with the ability to find whatever lure they would like to fish whatever fish they want to catch. They also provide great online customer service while assisting customers in finding those lures they are looking for.

The company ships all over the country, however they do provide free delivery for Tea, South Dakota customers.

When not running his own business, Isaiah enjoys spending time with his family which includes his parents Chris and Cassandra, as well as his two sisters Evy and Adalynn. In his spare time Isaiah likes to play basketball, his Xbox, spend time with friends, play with the family cats and help around the house.

In the future Isaiah hopes to go to college.

He said, “I hope that this business will help me fund that. I know that I have a lot of talents and dreams and want to someday realize those.”

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