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School board rejects bids for maintenance shop, bus storage: School begins Aug. 20

The Tea Area School District staffed was welcomed back this week with a breakfast sponsored by Reliabank.

The Tea Area School Board met Aug. 12 with Kristen Daggett chairing the meeting in the absence of president Jason Bennett.

Business manager Chris Esping presented the surplus list which includes a 2003 Chevrolet Suburban and numbers laptops, Chromebooks and tablets. The board approved surplussing those items.

Esping also presented the bids for the maintenance shop/bus storage. All bids came in higher than the estimated budget of $350,000. The board rejected all of the bids and will rebid in January.

They approved the adjustments to some lunch prices. An extra entree will be $1.50, an extra juice or milk will be 50 cents, an adult salad will be 60 cents and an adult unlimited salad bar will be $1.50.

Operations manager Wayne Larsen said the last precast panels got installed at the high school. The red crane has left the property. On the south end, the plumbing, HVAC and electrical work is planned to be done by the end of August. The roofers are working on the two-story classroom, the PAC and the art wing. The concrete crew has been pouring floors in the art wing and music rooms. All of the islands in the parking lot and the entrance/exit on the south side of the parking lot is done. The road on the east side of the school has been shaped with one layer on it. They plan to have the gym floor laid this week, but the painter will have to come and it will need to be sealed. Larsen plans for the gym to be useable by Sept. 10.

The board approved the resignations of Morgan Bruns as paraprofessional, Michelle Howard as paraprofessional, Kayla Ohleen as fourth grade teacher, Emily Stoddard as paraprofessional and Courtney Zeig as paraprofessional.

They approved the new hires of Kaylee Anderson as middle school paraprofessional, Michelle Buchmann as custodian lead at Venture, Anna Dravland as custodian, Taylor Fechner for head varsity girls basketball, Darla Henriksen as middle school foodservice, Anthony Johnson as high school social studies teacher, Shawn Kennedy for fourth grade at Venture, Paul Kock as custodian, Cathay Marsh as Venture TLR paraprofessional, Melisa Marso for Frontier second grade, Brenda Peterson as middle school life skills paraprofessional, Angie Rand as early childhood special education paraprofessional, Dennis Reaver for transportation, Richard Scott for transportation, Chandra VanHout as middle school paraprofessional and Brittany Zingmark as Frontier paraprofessional.

The board approved the second readings for the following policies: Policy KG (changes the beverage sponsor to be generic), Policy IIBG (some law changes on computers and networks), Policy IIA (instructional materials), Policy IIAC (library materials), Policy GCB (adding the word qualifications for professional staff), Policy JFCJ (delete and replace with Policy AF), Policy AF (adopt the exact policy for ASBSD on not allowing enhanced concealed carriers to have firearms on campus), Policy DK (payment procedure), Policy GCDB (criminal background checks), Policy DN and Policy DLC.

Superintendent Jennifer Lowery said teachers have been busy with in-service. School starts Aug. 20. 

She also recognized the school board as the South Dakota Outstanding Board.

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