School district employees receive COVID-19 vaccine

School district employees had the opportunity to receive a Covid vaccine this month.
Lewis Drug worked with school nurses to arrange for the vaccination clinic March 17 at the middle school. District nurse Tara Krell said the Lewis pharmacy in Tea reached out to the school to offer the opportunity.
“They reached out to us probably about two weeks ago, and we set up the time so we could order a certain amount for us,” Krell said.
Krell said March 17 was an ideal date to offer the vaccination clinic to all staff employees, including teachers, custodians, bus drivers, paraprofessionals and substitutes, because the students were not in school and staff was around for parent-teacher conferences and then they were on spring break for the rest of the week.
They had staff sign up through SignUp Genius for five-minute time slots in the middle school. Staff checked in with a Lewis staff member and then Krell, district nurses Jen Husby and Heidi Brown, and Lewis pharmacist Heather Storey administered the Moderna vaccine.
Once receiving their vaccine, they received their vaccination card and were asked to wait 15 minutes before leaving. Fareway supplied water and snacks while they waited.
Storey said the suggested window for administering the second dose of Moderna is 28-42 days. They will return on day 30, which is April 16. That is a Friday.
“So if they get a little rundown, they have the weekend to recover,” Storey said.
Storey works through Lewis’ corporate office and has been coordinating vaccine clinics with nursing homes, congregate living situations and schools, as well as helping set up what they are doing in their stores. Lewis pharmacies in towns around the state were encouraged to reach out to the schools in their towns to offer vaccine clinics.
“We’ve had several schools take us up on that and that’s been very efficient. We’re doing it right there. It keeps the retail flow more open and makes it really convenient for the staff at the schools,” Storey said.
Krell said the clinic went smoothly and staff was excited and thankful for the opportunity. Storey said everywhere they have gone has been welcoming.
“Everybody has been so welcoming and appreciative. At Lewis, we just feel like it’s a big family in the towns we’re in,” Storey said.