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Tea Area School Board to meet Jan. 11

Agenda items inclu:de

  1. Call to Order

  2. Pledge of Allegiance

  3. Approval of Agenda

  4. Conflict Disclosure

  5. Public Input

  6. Consent Agenda

    1. Approval of Minutes

    2. Acknowledge Receipt of Financials

    3. Approval of Bills

  7. Business Manager Report

  8. Old Business

    1. COVID-19 Operations Update

  9. New Business

    1. Resignations

    2. New Hires

    3. Set Board of Education Election Date

  10. Administrative Report

  11. Board Committee Reports

    1. Sprouts

    2. TASK

    3. Library

    4. Finance

    5. Legislative

    6. Construction/Land

    7. Continuous School Improvement

  12. Executive Session – Personnel 1-25-2.1

  13. Superintendent Contract

  14. Adjourn

This agenda is subject to change.


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