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Tea Chamber for Development elects new officers for 2021

This past week the Tea Chamber for Development elected new officers. The new officers are as follows President Ruby Zuraff of Roo’s Sanitation, Vice President Mike Stephenson of America/Star, Treasurer Eric Barnes of Reliabank and Secretary Adam Birger of Serv Pro of Sioux Falls.

The main purpose of the Tea Chamber for Development is to be a support system for local businesses in Tea.

President Zuraff said, “Last year we changed the name and are really trying to be supportive especially during this challenging time.”

One small way the chamber helps new businesses is to provide them with a ribbon cutting ceremony. This is a small way in which they can help a new business get a good start and some much needed attention and publicity.

Along with electing new officers the chamber also added another new member Andrea Kuipers of Squealers.

The chamber looks forward to continuing to provide more support in the future. While nothing is set in stone for the next year they do encourage businesses to reach out to them on their Facebook page if they have any questions and the Chamber will do their best to assist any business in Tea.

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