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Tea City adopts Coronavirus Employee Policy

The Tea City Council met March 16 as a board of equalization and then as a city council.

The board of equalization approved to lower the land value from $57,590 to $34,490 and building value from $259,893 to $194,670 for True North Capital LLC. They also approved to lower the building value from $386,649 to $364,930 for Lynette Waltner. The board approved the 2020 assessor’s roll.

During the council portion of the meeting, the council approved the consent agenda, which included the minutes from Feb. 18 and March 2, claims, a building permit for an interior build at 1201 N. Carla Avenue, the 85th Street elevated water storage tank project and the city’s Coronavirus Employee Policy.

The policy is as follows:

As an organization there are services we provide that are critical to the community, especially during defining times. There have been confirmed cases of the Coronavirus in the state, it’s essential that we stay calm and focus on a plan. The city is asking all to do your part by taking necessary measures to prevent and protect yourself, families, our community and organization.

Current symptoms of Coronavirus include: Fever, Cough, and Shortness of breath.

The following will be implemented immediately based on the CDC Interim guidance for businesses and employers:

Do not come to work if you have any of the symptoms and self-quarantine in your home is expected except for medical care. Employees who have symptoms of acute respiratory illness are recommended to stay home and not come to work until they are free of fever (100.4 F) or greater using an oral thermometer, signs of a fever and any other symptoms for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines (e.g. cough suppressants). Employees should notify their supervisor and stay home if they are sick.

Do not come to work if you’re exposed to the virus. Therefore, if your family member becomes sick do not come back to work until they are free from signs of fever, and any other symptoms for at least 24 hours. Upon returning to work if you show any symptoms go home immediately.

Effective immediately and until further notice, the use of sick or vacation leave is not required for these conditions, but communication with your department head and/or Human Resources is. You will be paid regardless for cases related to the Coronavirus to minimize workplace exposure. Requiring all to use leave time may cause individuals to work regardless of infection.

This organization operates through honest, service-oriented leadership with core values of integrity and accountability. Therefore, I [The City] trusts you are committed to using this as a benefit and only if needed to protect yourself, family, community and our organization.

The following communication may occur in the future:

• Cancellation of all events and specific services will be determined based on existing conditions; and partner communications include the county, school and state.

•Any closure of City Hall or other related facilities will be communicated. We will work with community partners and to make this determination.

• Upon closure of facilities employees will not use any leave and you will be paid.

• Critical personnel will need to work if not sick. Working from home will be an option if possible.

• If essential personnel need reinforced all city resources and staff will be redirected

as necessary to ensure the continuity of critical services during an outbreak.

* If your job permits the ability to work from home, proactively discuss this option with your supervisor. Pending supervisor approval, you may consider working remotely. Set up remote meeting options whenever possible.

* Department heads are determining critical personnel based on our emergency operation plan and tasks required for basic functions such as billing, payroll, etc.

Critical positions have been defined by department directors and specific departments are critical and include:

* Police

* Dispatch

* Fire

* Financial

* Snow Removal and Potential Street Blockage

* City Leadership

Future operational notices will come from the mayor or city administrator or designee via email.

I ask that all of you and maintenance personnel clean work areas more regularly. Practice good hygiene habits by washing hands regularly and before traveling check the CDC’s traveler’s health notices.

All employees traveling need to take basic precautions to protect themselves wile traveling. Avoid contact with sick people.

Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based sanitizer if soap and water are not available.

Cover mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve (not hands) when coughing or sneezing.

The Centers for Disease Control has a website that I encourage all to visit.


State of South Dakota Department of Health


Lincoln County Emergency Management


Therefore, we all must do our part to protect the community and each other.

No one from the public was there for public comment.

Brent Antonen presented information on the Artisan Addition concept plan. He would like to put commercial property along Heritage Parkway and apartments to the east. No action was taken.

The council adjourned at 7:37 p.m.


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