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Tea earns ‘Best Tasting Water’ in the State

The City of Tea was recently awarded the annual “Best Tasting Water in South Dakota” Award at the South Dakota

Association of Rural Water Systems’ Annual Technical Conference in Pierre on Wednesday, January 11.

“It’s quite the honor for the City and its residents,” said Troy Larson, Executive Director of Lewis & Clark Regional Water

System. There were 19 entries from various cities and rural water systems across the state.

“It is quite an honor to be awarded the best tasting drinking water in South Dakota. Taste is not the only parameter,

clarity and odor are also factored in. This honor showcases the skill and professionalism of Thad Konrad and his staff here in Tea and also Troy Larson’s staff at Lewis & Clark Regional Water System,” said long time Tea resident and Lewis & Clark Regional Water System board member, Sid Munson. “A big shout out to Jim Auen and his staff down at the treatment plant by Vermilion.”

The water sample that was entered in the contest was taken from Munson’s home.

The Annual Technical Conference is hosted by the South Dakota Association of Rural Water Systems and is held annually during the fiest week of the South Dakota Legislative session in Pierre, SD.

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