Tea Veterans Memorial fund steadily growing
Tea is constructing a Veterans Memorial to honor and forever remember both our living and deceased Tea Area Veterans. The Memorial will be located on the corner of South Main Ave. and East 3rd St.
The goal is to dedicate the memorial on Veterans Day 2022.
The committee has a goal to raise $150,000 — $75,000 for the actual structure (eight podiums, entry sign and donor wall) and $75,000 for site preparation (groundwork, concrete work, landscaping, lighting and flags). So far, the current Memorial Fund sits at $30,000.
This is in part thanks to the Donor Wall Sponsors, so far that includes 16 businesses or individual families that have donated over $1000 — Tea Community Fund, Tea Weekly, Nielson Construction, Southeastern Electric, Reliabank, John and Michaele Lawler, Stephen and Debbie Anderson, Marlan and Maxine Larsen, Tea Historical Society, Metro Construction, B&G Milky Way, Sky Lounge, Tea Zombie Walk, ServPro of West Sioux Falls, Adam and Jessica Birger and Calvin Mechels Family.
And thanks in part to those who have purchased pavers for Veterans (35 purchased so far.)
Of interest to the community is that the oldest Veteran that will have a paver is from the Civil War and the newest Veteran that will have a paver served in Afghanistan.
The money raised so far is a testament to the generosity of the Tea community, both individuals and businesses. The Veterans Memorial committee appreciates the support.
Upcoming ways to support the memorial fund include the following:
Lauriebelles was schedule to hold a shopping day on Nov. 3 in which a percent of sales will be donated to the memorial.
Fareway is doing a “round up” campaign from November 8 to 13, 2021.
Explorers Credit Union is selling items for the memorial in November (Vehicle Blanket, Lantern or Flashlight Toolkit), plus giving a free hat to any veteran for their service. Veterans can stop in to any branch and get one.
The Tea Area School District will be doing a Penny War for a week in November.
Vendor Fairs on November 6 at the Tea Community Hall and November 27 at the Legion.
Militiamen Veterans Motorcycle Club is doing a poker run July 30, 2022 starting at Squealers.
Sky Lounge has set up an aluminum can collection behind the bar and will match any funds collected when recycled.
You can also donate by sending money to PO Box 1, Tea SD 57064 or the group’s go fund me (Tea Area Veterans Memorial) page.
There are also two sponsorship levels:
1. Podium Sponsor: 8 podiums (one for each branch of the service and POW/MIA) will be available for sponsorship by 8 elite Individuals/Businesses/ Organizations/Families. Cost $15,000; 2. Recognition Wall: All gifts and donations of cash of $1,000+ and/or equivalent value in materials will have the option of having their name engraved on the Donor Wall at the Memorial.
The committee would also like help from the community to identify any MIA or POW that are from the area. The committee would like to honor them within the memorial. If you know of any, please let the committee know by emailing them at teasdveteransmemorial@gmail.com.
As citizens of this great country, we have an enduring responsibility and obligation to show our gratitude to all the men and women who have served and sacrificed so much on our behalf, to protect and defend our country and the precious freedom that we enjoy.
Tea can take great pride in the patriotism that has been displayed over the many years, with so many of our men and women bravely serving in the military. The City of Tea donated the land.
If anyone is interested in attending a committee meeting, the next meeting is scheduled to be held on Nov. 10 at 7 p.m. at the Tea American Legion.