Weekly Farmer’s Market to benefit local family
Growing up in a small town has its benefits. Everyone knows everyone, and they care about everyone, too.
Luckily, for two young boys and their family living in Tea, the community is ready to show their support.
Starting on Saturday, July 31st at Squealer’s Smoke Shack there will be a Farmer’s Market from 8 to 11 a.m. The Farmer’s Market will run every Saturday — July 31st through September 25th.
The event was set up to help two very special little boys from Tea —Sawyer and Wesley Bryan.
Sawyer is 9 years old and loves to ride his bike, go camping and play with Roblox. His little brother Wesley is 6 years old and he loves to play catch, laugh and loves his bear. Both Bryan boys have been diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a progressive muscle wasting disease. Individuals with this type of disease will slowly lose the ability to walk and usually can’t walk at all by 10 to 12 years of age. While the disease can be diagnosed in girls, it mainly affects boys. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy currently has no cure. The treatment options can include physical therapy and medications such as steroids.
The boys, along with their parents, JeanAnn and Beau, know they have a long road ahead of them. The proceeds from the Farmer’s Market will help with medical expenses that the family has now, and will experience in the future.
Vendors interested in participating in the Farmer’s Market can register by visiting www.Squealerssmokeshack.com and filling out the online form. The cost for vendors is $25 and all the proceeds from vendor fees will be going to the family. The vendors should be aware that there will not be any power hook ups to utilize. The spaces are 12’x18’ and will not include tables or tents.
There will also be another fundraiser for the boys on Friday, September 24th from 7 to 9 p.m. also at Squealer’s Smoke Shack. That evening those is attendance will be able to enjoy music from the boys’ dad Beau’s band, 11 Years.
If anyone has questions, they can contact Andrea Kuipers for more information.